Dental Emergency
A child’s dental emergency often requires special attention by an experienced pediatric dentist. With two additional years of training in the specialized care of children’s teeth and overall health, a pediatric dentist knows how to handle what can often be a stressful and difficult emergency situation with your child.
If your child is experiencing pain from a broken or knocked out tooth, please call our office and follow the prompts for the on-call dentist.
Clean the tooth and gums in the sore area and check for food debris or particles.
Have your child rinse vigorously with warm salt water. Consider applying a cold compress if the face is swollen.
Give the child Tylenol or Motrin for pain.
Call your dentist for an appointment. If there is severe pain or swelling, take your child to the Emergency Room at your nearest hospital.
Broken Tooth
Gently rinse the area with warm water.
Apply a cold compress to any bruised areas.
Find and save any broken tooth fragments.
Call your dentist IMMEDIATELY to make an emergency appointment.
Knocked Out Permanent Tooth
When you find the tooth, try to only hold it by the crown (top), not the root.
Rinse the tooth ONLY if you can see dirt on it.
Attempt to reinsert the tooth back into the socket. Have your child bite on a clean gauze or cloth to keep it in place.
If you are unable to re-implant the tooth, store it in milk or water.
Visit your dentist IMMEDIATELY. The quicker the tooth is re-implanted, the better the odds of saving it.
Knocked Out Primary Tooth
It is not recommended to reinsert a baby tooth that has been knocked out. However, you should take your child to the dentist to verify that the entire tooth came out, and that no other teeth were affected by the injury.
Cut or Bitten Lip, Tongue, or Cheek
If there is any bleeding in the mouth, apply pressure with a CLEAN gauze or cloth.
If the bleeding cannot be controlled after 15 minutes, go to the emergency department at your nearest hospital.
Bleeding After a Baby Tooth Falls Out
Fold a piece of gauze or cloth and place it over the area with firm pressure.
Have your child bite the gauze for 15 minutes. Repeat if needed.
If the bleeding continues, see a dentist.

Special Needs
At World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry we are fortunate to work with families that have a wide range of needs. For our patients with special needs including Autism, Downs Syndrome, and ADHD, we have developed an Acclimation Program. Many children (including patients diagnosed with high anxiety) benefit from a graduated introduction into dentistry, particularly if it is their first experience at the dental office.
Research has indicated that Special Needs often correlate with sensitivity around the oral cavity. Your child’s relationship with a knowledgeable dentist can walk you through feeding issues, changes in oral structures, and preparing both you and your child for developmental changes coming down the road. Some children lack the ability to fully open their mouths due to jaw development and may have difficulty brushing and flossing regularly, leaving them at risk for developing cavities and gum disease. Children with sensory challenges may be averse to the texture or sensation of toothpaste and a toothbrush, or may have a limited diet higher in sugar which can affect oral development. Finding a dental home that listens, becomes a therapeutic partner, and has resources available to their families is key in establishing a life-long relationship toward the health of your child.
Acclimation Program
The World of Smiles Team worked together to develop a comprehensive program that can be adapted to your individual child’s mental, physical, and emotional needs in order to introduce the new experience of a dental office into their every-day routine. At each visit, one of our Dental Assistants will guide your child through their experience at World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, and maintain that relationship throughout the entire program. For questions regarding the fees associated with our Acclimation Program or related insurance questions, please contact us.

Program Screening – Prior to starting the Acclimation Program, a short questionnaire will be sent to your family. In addition to the New Patient Forms you will complete, this questionnaire will assist the doctor and dental assistant in developing the best program for your child based upon their individual needs and concerns. For children with Autism, parents can download a picture to use with their child’s visual chart or flipchart. If your child has been diagnosed with an active infection, is in pain, or has an abscess visible, the Acclimation Program may not be the best fit for your child, and more immediate action must be taken to preserve your child’s health.
Play Time Visit – This visit is a scheduled time for your child to come and experience our PlayRoom. Children can experience the turtle tank, look at books or magazines, or play with our toys. During their visit, a designated dental assistant will come out to the PlayRoom and introduce herself to you and your child, and may read a short story about visiting the dentist. Families are welcome to stay for as long as they like, and stop in for as many informal visits as they feel are necessary before proceeding to the Comfy Room Visit. At the end of their visit, your child will go home with their own World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry Story & Coloring Book.
Comfy Room Visit – Within a week of the Play Time Visit, we recommend scheduling the second stage of our Acclimation Program. This 20 minute visit will begin in our PlayRoom, setting the stage for a transition through the door to the clinical office. At the appointed time, our dental assistant will invite you and your child to our Comfy Room. This special room has been sound-proofed to deaden outside noise for those children who are sensitive to auditory interference, and a fun beanbag pillow chair awaits with soft plush toys. Many of our children that are unable to complete a Big Kid Visit are able to sit through a lap-to-lap exam and fluoride treatment in this setting. During the Comfy Room visit, your child is allowed to explore the small room, and a special stuffed StarSmilez® animal with its over-sized teeth, toothbrush, and mirror will help acclimate them to the dental exam process. Each child will go home with their own dental exam mirror and hand-flosser to practice with at home before the big day!
Big Kid Visit – This third step in our Acclimation Program transitions a child from experiencing the Comfy Room to our big kid dental chairs. Soft pillow pets wait to greet your child as they sit, and for children that love Disney movies, they can experience lying back and engaging in another world. Their dental assistant will show them the various instruments that are used during this time using the Tell-Show-Do method. This may be enough for some children, while other children are now ready to proceed with a simple exam and cleaning. We will always strive to follow a child’s cues and abilities to complete only what they are ready to handle. At this visit, you and the doctor will evaluate your child’s needs; whether another simple visit should be scheduled, or whether a child is now ready to experience their New Patient Visit. The New Patient visit, which generally includes an exam, cleaning, x-rays if needed, and a fluoride treatment, is not included as part of the Acclimation Program Fee and can be billed to your dental insurance plan.

Sleep Dentistry
One of the many benefits we offer to families of children with special needs is our sleep dentistry option.
For children with high anxiety or sensory challenges, we have found that using Non-IV Conscious Sedation or General Anesthesia provides the best experience for both the child and parent, as well as providing for a child’s overall health and well-being.
For more information on Sleep Dentistry at World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, or to schedule a consultation, contact us today!
World of Smiles accepts most insurance plans, and as a courtesy to our valued patients and families, we will prepare your claims and submit them to any Non-HMO insurance that you are contracted with. Please call us if you have any questions regarding our Insurance Policy.
Estimated patient portions must be paid at the time of service.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Debit Cards, Checks, Cash, and Care Credit.
Anesthesia Options
A child’s dental emergency often requires special attention by an experienced pediatric dentist. With two additional years of training in the specialized care of children’s teeth and overall health, a pediatric dentist knows how to handle what can often be a stressful and difficult emergency situation with your child.
If your child is experiencing pain from a broken or knocked out tooth, please call our office and follow the prompts for the on-call dentist.

Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Inhalation
Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen can be used when required to help a child get over mild dental anxiety. This is a very safe and effective agent used to reduce anxiety and enhance effective communication in a mildly anxious child who might otherwise be very cooperative. With this technique, a fitted mask is placed over a child’s nose. Since the child experiences the feeling of relaxation and giddiness, Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Inhalation is also called ‘laughing gas’ or ‘silly air’.
Oral Conscious Sedation
Oral conscious sedation can safely and effectively be used with patients who are unable to receive dental care for reasons of age or mental, physical, or medical conditions. Sedation is used to help increase cooperation and reduce anxiety and/or discomfort associated with dental treatment in a child with more moderate anxiety. Various medications can be used along with nitrous oxide for sedation. Medicines are selected based upon a child’s overall health, level of anxiety, and dental treatment needed. Most children become relaxed and/or drowsy, but can be easily awakened and maintain their ability to communicate.
General Anesthesia
General anesthesia is a controlled state of unconsciousness that eliminates awareness, movement and discomfort during a dental procedure. The use of general anesthesia is sometimes necessary to provide quality dental care for children in many different scenarios. These include children who are uncooperative, very young/pre-cooperative, more fearful or filled with extreme anxiety, medically compromised, special needs children, or the need for very involved and extensive dental treatment. Depending on the patient’s medical and dental needs, general anesthesia can be provided in a hospital environment or in the dental office by a trained, Board-Certified anesthesiologist.
Tongue Tie

World Of Smiles is pleased to announce that we now offer frenectomies in the office. A fren-ect-a-what you say?! This simple procedure refers to the removal of a flap of tissue called a frenum that prevents an organ or tissue from achieving free range of motion.
Our doctors are most concerned with the frena in the upper lip and the one beneath the tongue. A baby with a tight frenum under their tongue is described as “tongue tied”. In order to help both parents and providers identify the severity of this concern, Dr. Stafford has put together her own diagnostic scales for both tongue and lip ties. High quality PDFs of these scales can be downloaded by clicking the thumbnail images below.
Tongue Tie
Lip Tie
"My 3 year old son was referred to Dr. Michelle Stafford for his tongue tie. During his exam we got to discussing my tongue tie and the correlation between it and my consistent headaches. (A little background about me, I have had consistent headaches for nearly 20 years and have seen multiple Physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, naturopaths, and I have had MRI's done on my head & neck. Nothing really has helped.) Dr. Stafford took interest right away & examined my tongue tie & gave me the option of releasing it along with my sons that same day. After discussing the benefits it could have on my headaches I decided to go ahead with the procedure. I went first & while she was lasering I could feel the tension in my jaw muscles release! This in turn released the strain in my neck muscles! Since this procedure roughly 2 months ago my headaches frequency & severity have decreased dramatically, my wife says I don't snore anymore & I have less tension in my neck. I couldn't be happier with the out come if this procedure! As for my son, he came through the procedure great! We were a little nervous wondering how he would do especially being all by himself, but he is a determined little guy, & Dr. Stafford & her staff were so caring and compassionate, he came through it just fine. He now has more mobility with his tongue & we are so thankful for that." -Phillip Willis, Google Review
Silver Diamine Fluoride
Certain patients with active decay may be eligible for a non-invasive technique using Silver Diamine Fluoride in a more holistic and less involved technique than a traditional filling. This FDA-approved material has been used for tooth sensitivity in the past and we are now seeing another effect it can have on teeth which is to stop or arrest existing decay and even prevent future decay! It has been used in Japan for over 80 years and other countries such as Australia and China are adopting it into their dental programs and training. The teeth do turn a dark brown to black color after application, so if concerned about esthetics, this may not be the best option for you and your child. However, it is proving to be a very successful option for a child that may require sedation or anesthesia to address their dental disease. Call us to schedule a new patient exam or second opinion consultation to see if this product is an option for your child!

Here is a link to the latest article in the California Dental Journal (go to page 17) to read more about this very exciting addition to our dental world! Read another interesting article from Dimensions Of Dental Hygiene here. And a study out of UCSF. What? That’s not enough? Well, here is an article from written by a national spokesperson of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. And finally, you can read how SDF was recently designated as a “Breakthrough Therapy” by the FDA HERE.
White Crowns
We offer Zirconia (tooth-colored) crowns which are created by mother nature and perfected by the EZPEDO company. Zirconia is the high-tech ceramic with a fine-grain, translucent crystal structure, producing esthetics that rival nature. Virtually indestructible, Zirconia is completely bio-inert and resistant to decay and plaque accumulation. Zirconia is often considered the material of choice for optimal health and biocompatibility.

EZPEDO Advantage Statement
For years, stainless steel crowns have been, and continue to be, the standard of care for badly decayed primary teeth. Fortunately, with recent advances in ceramics technology many children now have another option!
Our office is proud to offer EZPEDO Pediatric Zirconia Crowns, the number one choice in metal free esthetic pediatric crowns world-wide. Manufactured in Northern California, EZPEDO crowns were developed by two dentists out of a need to have a healthier, stronger, and more esthetic option for their own children.
Our office has been specially trained here in the US to provide EZPEDO crowns to restore your child’s smile back to its natural beauty. From a single tooth, to situations where many teeth are badly decayed, EZ Pedo Crowns may be an excellent long-term treatment option to restore oral health and wellness.
Ask our office today to see if EZPEDO Pediatric Zirconia Crowns are an option for your child.
World Of Smiles is committed to meeting all federal and local accessibility requirements.
Appendix A to Part 92— Notice Informing Individuals About Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Requirements.
Discrimination is Against the Law. World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry:
Provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as:
Qualified sign language interpreters
Written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats)
Provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as:
Qualified interpreters
Information written in other languages
If you need these services, contact Kris Foster,Practice Manager. If you believe that World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance with: Kris Foster, Practice Manager, 11790 SW Barnes Road, Suite 280 Portland OR 97225, Telephone: 503.626.9700, Fax: 503.626.9772, Email: You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance,Kris Foster, Practice Manager, is available to help you. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at, or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, D.C. 20201 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD) Complaint forms are available at
Language Services (copy provided by The American Dental Association Center for Professional Success)
We will take reasonable steps to provide free-of-charge language assistance services to people who speak languages we are likely to hear in our practice and who don’t speak English well enough to talk to us about the dental care we are providing.
Tomaremos acciones razonables para proporcionar servicios de asistencia lingü.stica gratuitos a aquellas personas cuyo lenguaje escuchemos frecuentemente en nuestro consultorio y que no hablen un inglés lo suficientemente bueno como para hablar con nosotros sobre el servicio odontológico que suministramos.
Chúng tôi sẽ thực hiện các bước cần thiết để cung cấp dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí cho những người giao tiếp bằng những ngôn ngữ mà chúng tôi có thể nghe thấy tại phòng khám của mình và cho những người không có đủ trình độ tiếng Anh để thảo luận về dịch vụ chăm sóc nha khoa mà chúng tôi đang cung cấp.
Мы принимаем необходимые меры, чтобы предоставить бесплатные услуги переводчика для общения на языках, с которыми мы сталкиваемся в нашей практике с клиентами, которые не владеют английским языком достаточно, чтобы обсудить с нами стоматологическое обслуживание, которое мы предоставляем.
저희는 적절한 조치를 통하여 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 제공할 것입니다. 다만, 실제로 저희에게 관심이 있는언어를 쓰지만 저희 치아 관리 서비스에 대해 의견을 줄 수 있을 만큼 영어로 의사소통이 원활하지 않는 경우로한정합니다
Ми вживаємо необхідні заходи, щоб надати безкоштовні послуги перекладача для спілкування мовами, з якими ми стикаємось в нашій практиці з клієнтами, які не володіють англійською мовою достатньо, щоб обговорити з нами стоматологічні послуги, які ми надаємо.
سوف†نقوم†باتخاذ†خطوات†معقولة†من†أجل†توفیر†خدمات†المساعدة†اللغویة†بدون†تكلفة†للأشخاص†الذین†یتحدثون†لغات†أخرى†من المرجح†أن†نستمع†إلیھا†خلال†ممارستنا†والذین†لا†یتقنون†تحدث†الإنجلیزیة†بشكل†جید†یمكنھم†من†التحدث†إلینا†فیما†یتعلق†برعایة†الأسنان التي†نقدمھاÆ
Vom lua măsuri rezonabile pentru a furniza servicii de asistență lingvistică gratuite persoanelor vorbitoare de limbi des întâlnite în cabinetul nostru și care nu vorbesc limba engleză suficient de bine pentru a discuta cu noi despre tratamentele stomatologice pe care le oferim.
Mon-Khmer, Cambodian:
េយើងខ ំនឹងត់វ នរសមេហតុផលេដើម្បីផល់ជូននូ វេសជំនួយេយឥតគិតៃថដល់អកនិយែដល េយើងខ ំចង់ ប់េក ងរអនុវតរបស់េយើងខ ំ នងិ អកែដលនិយអងេ់ គសមិនសូ វនលក ងរនិ យមកនេ់ យើងខ ំអពំ ីរែថំ ត់េធញែដលេយើងខ ំកំពុងផល់ឲ្យ។
Wayita hojjii keenyatti Afaanota garaa garaagaraa namoota dubbatani fi tajaajila yaalaa nuti kenninuuf kan nu dandeessisu namoota dandeettii Aaan Ingilliffaa gahaa ta’e hin qabneef deeggarsa afaanii kanfaltii irraa bilisa ta’e kennuudhaaf tarkaanfii bu’a qabeessa ta’e ni fudhanna.
Wir werden angemessene Schritte unternehmen, um denen eine gebührenfreie Sprachunterstützung zu bieten, die Sprachen sprechen, die wir möglicherweise in unserer Praxis hören, die aber kein Englisch sprechen, das gut genug ist, um mit uns über die Zahnpflege zu sprechen, die wir anbieten.
Persian (Farsi):
ما†برای†ارائھ†خدمات†ترجمھ†رایگان†بھ†افرادی†کھ†زبان†انگلیسی†آنھا†برای†صحبت†با†ما†درباره†خدمات†مراقب†از†دندان†ارایھ†شده†ما†در†حد کافی†نبوده†و†بھ†زبان†ھای†صحبت†می†کنند†کھ†ما†بھ†احتمال†زیاد†در†ھنگام†کار†با†آنھا†سر†و†کار†پیدا†می†کنیم†گام†ھایی†منطقی†را†بر†خواھیمداشتÆ
Nous prendrons les mesures raisonnables pour fournir des services d’assistance linguistique gratuits pour les individus qui parlent des langues que nous sommes susceptibles d’entendre durant nos séances et qui ne parlent pas suffisamment bien l’anglais pour discuter avec nous concernant les soins dentaires que nous fournissons.
เราไดก้ า้ วไปอกี ขัน้ ดว้ ยการใหบ้ รกิ ารผชู ้ ว่ ยดา้ นภาษาโดยไมม่ คี า่ บรกิ ารใหกั้บผทู ้ ไี่ มส่ ามารถสอื่ สารดว้ ยภาษาอังกฤษเกยี่ วกับการดแู ลทันตกรรมทเี่ ราใหบ้ รกิ ารไดด้ พี อและใชภ้ าษาทเี่ รามักจะไดย้ นิ บอ่ ยในศนู ยท์ ันตกรรมของเรา